Wednesday, December 14, 2011

digital citizenship

The digital citizenship project we did in are web 2.0 class helped me understand he the pros and cons of putting yourself out there on the web. It also helped me understand how to put out info in the right way. In my opinion its great that we have more freedom in this class then in other classes. The effect  having more freedom in this class helps use stay engaged in are work.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute

 Thats a terrible that Silicon Valley School isn't  using any technology in there schools. The worst part about this is that there town is one of the top tec places in the country. Even thought many of the kids parents have high-tech a majority of them agree with the school. The kids  won't be prepared for society . They will  struggle in college because they won't be know how to use a computer. Also they will not be prepared for the working world because I grantee that whatever job that they will apply for will require them know and use technology .

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Kids, blogs and too much information

On the website Kids, blogs and too much information, it defiantly gives  good point that some people are giving out to much info on Facebook. I think people on twitter are especially giving out way to much info. some people who are addicted to twitter like to say what there doing every min of every day. There are many sick people out the who can use that info for bad things

Friday, October 7, 2011

Independent project

Back channeling process

The Independent project sounds like a good idea that challenges the traditional education style. It allows kids to express themselves and is fun for them because  they can do any project there interseted in doing. It also  probably helps them get away from the normal stresses of school.Lastly projects that there doing could help them decide what carer they would want to major in for college.   

Monday, October 3, 2011

video of

"It will be very hard for people to watch or consume something that has not in some sense been tailored for them." ~Eric Schmidt, Google
 In this video Eli pariser talks about how web site like Facebook and google are starting to filter information for you from the main stream internet  and only letting you see curtain things. This is terrible because web sites are controlling what you can and can't view. 

Friday, September 30, 2011

web 2.0

ipads in ZEELAND, Mich

Its great that Michigan is starting to us ipads in its schools. All schools should try to start  using ipads because schools need to start changing there learning style to try to get kids more interested in there work.Image how much paper we would save if all The schools in the US had ipads. Also kids wouldn't have to carry heavy books to there classes anymore because they would have ipads.  Thing one ZeeLand high school needs to know is that, like in my school, many people use there ipads for uneducational purposes. They should set up a browser which blocks some sights.